

Burzum "Det Som Engang Var" 1993
Cymophane Productions

Burzum - Det Som Engang Var 1993

Burzum - Det Som Engang Var 1993


Den Onde Kysten (The Evil Coast)
Key To The Gate
En Ring Til Å Herske (One Ring to Rule)
Lost Wisdom
Han Som Reiste (He Who Travelled)
Når Himmelen Klarner (When the Sky Clears)
Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn (Turn the Sign of the Microcosm)
Svarte Troner (Black Thrones)


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Recorded April 1992 at Grieghallen studio
Produced by Count Grishnackh and Pytten
Music and lyrics by Count Grishnackh
Released 15.08.1993
Gong on Track 1 by Euronymous
Previous title - "På Svarte Troner" ("On Black Thrones")
Cover artwork inspired by the "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" (1st edition) module "The Temple of Elemental Evil". At the bottom of the artwork is a depiction of the "reaper" and the tree shown on Burzum's first album. The album cover was drawn by Jannicke Wiise-Hansen, who also drew the cover for the first Burzum album.

Comments: The album was reissued by Misanthropy Records in 1994 in two formats: CD and gatefold LP. The LP contained a limited edition poster of the cover art. Here is what Varg Vikernes says about this album:

"The "Det Som Engang Var" album was never released on DSP. Originally I intended to release the "Aske" mini-LP myself as well, in early 1993, but as you know that is when I was arrested for the first time. When I got out of jail (after six weeks and one day to be precise), the police had taken all my papers and lists of addresses, so I agreed to let DSP release it. My intention was to release was to start my own label, Cymophane (first called Burznazg Productions, later changed to Cymophane), so that I could drop the worthless DSP. I began with this planning in late 1992 (when I printed the infamous "Aske" flyer with the ruins of Fantoft Stavechurch on it). However, I was a bit disillusioned by the fact that the police ruined everything I had when I was arrested, so I thought that, okay then, I will let DSP release this album before I start up with my own label. I came to this conclusion simply because DSP had got a deal with another label, Voices Of Wonder, that were to do all the work for DSP, so I though it could work.

Then I realised after some time that I could not only start up with my own label, but I could get a similar deal with VoW (Voices Of Wonder) as well. And I did. This is when Aarseth (Euronymous) got desperate, as he was frantically trying to get me to release Burzum on DSP. So to the point; "Det Som Engang Var" was released in August 1993 on my own label, Cymophane. It was only released on CD and was limited to around 950 copies. I was arrested only days after it's release though, but VoW sold some hundred copies before they refused to co-operate with me anymore (because I was "Nazi"), and I got the rest. I have sold most of these, and given some away to friends.

In other words the "Det Som Engang Var" album was first released in August 1993 on Cymophane, only on CD, and limited to around 950 copies".

© 1993 Cymophane Productions

Lyrics in other languages: Italiano


Den Onde Kysten
January 1992


Key To The Gate
August 1991

My eyes are shut I cannot see
though clear is thy despair
I drift away - far away
from places of which you seek
Though I seek thy hell
you close the gate before me
Your life is right, and I'm to
follow to your paradise
I cannot fall in love
love is for them
Lusting for the sky -
Why did I come to this world
of sorrow why is this true
Where is my dagger of sacrifice
I will open the gates to Hell one

En Ring Til Å Herske
March 1992

I en mørk skog med kalde tjern
Et sted hvor Herren av verdens
Ild ikke rekker
I det mørkeste i den store
Av natten - av tid
Og de samlet seg
Og blev dødens hus
Barn av tidens krefter
Bran av den mektiges sønner
Vi står i en sirkel av svart

Lost Wisdom
June 1991

While we may believe
our world - our reality
to be that is - is but one
manifestation of the essence
Other planes lie beyond the reach
of normal sense and common roads
But they are no less real
than what we see or touch or feel
Denied by the blind church
'cause these are not the words of God
- the same God that burnt the

Han Som Reiste
April 1992


Når Himmelen Klarner
February 1989


Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn
March 1992

Ingen stillhet her ute - en drøm
Her hvor månen rår - en drøm
Jeg hater denne skog
Hvor ingen fare truer
Ingen ulv
Ingen bjørn
Intet troll
Ingen onde ånder
Bare meg og natten - bare meg og natten
En natt skal jag reise
Til Helvete

Svarte Troner
April 1992



The Coast Of Evil


Key To The Gate


One Ring To Rule

In a dark wood with cold lakes
A place where master of the world's
Fire doesn't get
In the darkest great
Night of the time
And they gathered
And became the house of the dead
Sons of time's power
Sons of the powerful sons
We stand in the black circle

Lost Wisdom


The One Who Wandered


When The Sky Clears


Turn The Sign Of Microcosm

No stillness out here - a dream
Here where the moon rules - a dream
I hate this wood
Where there is no danger
No wolf
No bear
No troll
Only night and me - only night and me
A night I shall journey
Till Hell

Black Thrones


ᛉ Burzum Merchandise ᛣ

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