LIBRARY © & ® Varg Vikernes. Do not reproduce, respect the copyrights. A Bard's Tale: Part VIII - Religion or ReasonWhen we embrace Paganism today we need to be careful not to embrace age-old ignorance and misconceptions. The magicians of the Stone Age were first scientists of our world; they were astronomers, herbalists, meteorologists, geologists, brain-surgeons (trepanning), dentists, mathematicians and you name it, and what they essentially did was to try to figure out how everything works. However, because of the fact that they had to start from scratch, most of what they saw was an illusion, and most of their theories were wrong. In the process they discovered some healthy, timeless and universal truths though, and these truths we should all wholeheartedly embrace. They really saw and understood what is good for mankind, what is essential and what is right, like eugenics, and all of this, my dear reader, is what makes up modern Paganism. It is only reactionary to be a Pagan in the same manner as our distant forefathers. We need a modern scientific worldview resting on a foundation made up of the Pagan values and ideals; loyalty, wisdom, courage, love, discipline, honesty, intelligence, beauty, responsibility, health and strength. It might be romantic, beautiful, charming and even fascinating to practise Paganism like our forefathers did, but it is utterly reactionary and meaningless.
What makes Paganism different from Judeo-Christianity is the fact that Paganism is not dogmatic. Judeo-Christianity will disappear, or at the very best be reduced to some cult for idiots (and it already has, to some extent), because their dogmas are based on ignorance and misconceptions. Only the stupid will continue to believe in "God" (any god!) or the parthenogenesis when we know that these ideas are based on the ignorance and misconceptions of the Stone Age man. Back then they didn't know any better, but we do know. For example, we know that spirits don't control the flight of the sun; we know that it only appears to us as if the sun is born and dies every day, because the Earth rotates around its own axis. We also know that the very concept of gods was born because these imaginary spirits were anthropomorphized in the late Stone Age and the Bronze Age. Whether we believe in several or just one god makes no difference, it is the same folly. Further, they didn't know that it was the sexual intercourse that made the women pregnant; they believed the sunrays did, or the rain, or that they could transfer Mother Earth's fertility to the women by whipping their bottoms with birch boughs in the spring. The idea of the parthenogenesis was possible only because 2.000 years ago a lot of the Middle Easterners still didn't know how women got pregnant. Today we all know better. The Australian aborigines were and still are too stupid to understand that there are no spirits. The Negroes and other inferior races were and still are too stupid to understand that there are no gods or a god either. The smartest Europeans rejected religion and the belief in god for a second time in the XVth century, when the science of the classical Antiquity had a Renaissance, and the belief in God turned into a religion for the dumbest amongst us (and the Reformation came as a result of this; they tried to rid Christianity of all the Stone Age humbug, but as we know they only partly succeeded). The Eastern Asians, the brilliant Japanese and Koreans, and the Chinese too, soon followed and have stayed on the path of science ever since. If it is supposed to serve a purpose Paganism needs to be an ideology, not a religion, and the gods and goddesses must be seen as a role models to us and not as actual beings of any kind. Quite a few questions remain unanswered by science, alright, like we don't really know from whence we come, nor whither we go when we die, or even if we go anywhere at all, so in these cases we can always turn to the myths for answers. In all instances where we know better than our forefathers did we should and must always replace myths and religion with facts and reason. The magicians did so too, whenever they could, and would have kept doing so had they not been murdered by the lackeys of the Jews, when Europe was Christianized (id est mentally enslaved!), from the IVth century and onwards. Varg Vikernes
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