

Varg Vikernes
Thulean Perspective
Skulls and Brains

One of the most common arguments I hear when I say that we descend from Neanderthals, is that we do not look like they did, cranially. Their skulls were so different from our own, that we cannot possibly have come from them!

This is an utterly bizarre response though, because if we do not stem from the Neanderthals, then we must have come from Homo Sapiens, and... do you know how their skulls looked at the same time?

Modern Homo Sapiens skull vs Ancient Homo Sapiens Skull

Modern Homo Sapiens skull vs Ancient Homo Sapiens Skull

Surprise! Our modern skulls do not look like the skulls of the ancient Homo Sapiens either. Yet, you think we descend from them! Why!?

But you are right. Neither we, stemming from Neanderthals, nor modern Africans, stemming from Homo Sapiens, look exactly like our/their forebears. Why would this surprise you though? Have you heard about this concept called "time"? Did you not know that time changes... everything?

But of course, the same people who make the claim addressed in this post, actually claim that we stem from Cro magnon, and not Homo sapiens. So they do not need to worry about how Africans looked in the past! *Sigh of relief*

Cro magnon is not a race or a species at all though, but just a term scientists use for all the remains they find that are neither Neanderthal nor Homo Sapiens. Cro magnon is a term for those who are a mix between the two. For the hybrids.

Yeah. A hybrid. Just like modern hybrids, the Cro magnon was often very tall (extreme growth is a common feature for all hybrids), but none looked the same, and their teeth were as a rule as if "cast into the mouth". They did not fit properly (again, a typical trait for hybrids).

But Cro magnon had much larger brains (up to 1600 cubic centimeters [cc], cranial capacity) than even modern Homo Sapiens (up to 1500 cc), so of course the "IQ-focused" modern Europeans would rather want to stem from them, than from Homo sapiens!

They seem to forget that the Neanderthals had up to 1900 cc cranial capacity though... and yeah, the Cro magnon hybrid had a larges brain than Homo Sapiens did, because it was a mix between Homo sapiens and Neanderthal.

Modern Africans have a cranial capacity around 1250 on average. Their average IQ apparently is around 70.

Modern Europeans/East Asians have a cranial capacity around 1350 on average. Their average IQ is apparently around 100.

Neanderthals had a cranial capacity up to 1900.... On average it was probably around 1500 cc. That is the same as the maximum (1500 cc) for modern Europeans. This suggests that on average, the Neanderthals were as smart as our biggest geniuses. The smartest Neanderthals must have been something quite out of the ordinary, to us, and even beyond our comprehension. Even if you take their larger skeletons and bigger muscles into account, this suggests they were much smarter than we are today!

And yeah, we stem from them.

So what happened? Why are we not as smart (or powerfully built) anymore?

Well, this is what happens when you become domesticated. We have seen it in all, absolutely all, wild animals that became domesticated. Their wild counterparts remained larger-brained and more powerfully built, and the domesticated versions of them saw their brains shrink and their skeletons weaken. Think of how wolves turned into little Chihuahuas.

So no, the fact that we are different from the Neanderthals, does not mean that we cannot stem from them. We do. We just created a society that caused us to auto-domesticate, and this changed us. For the worse.

Note also, that our Paganism stems from the Neanderthals. Not from some delusional criminals living in some desert in the Middle East, but from people with a cranial capacity of up to 1900 cc. I trust them to know better than we do today. Indeed.

To those who think that our high tech society proves that we are in fact intellectually superior to the Neanderthals, I will say that it actually proves the opposite. Creating for example a fancy electric wheelchair might be brilliant, but you will only ever do that if you need one. Our Neanderthal forebears did not need all of this technology, so of course they did not develop it. We are in fact so inferior today that we need machines to do almost everything for us. For example, we cannot remember entire mythologies by heart, so we write it all down. Only therefor do we invent pencils and paper, and books to write things down. Because we need to.

But yes, at the same time we – unlike certain other groups – are indeed still brilliant enough to invent and create all these "wheelchairs", that we need and use in the everyday life, or for complex and advanced science.

But no, we are not smarter. We are dumber, and we are because of auto-domestication. And yeah, we Europeans do stem from the brilliant Neanderthals (and Asians also partly stem from them), and we still have much of their genius in us.

Not only that, we can "re-wild" ourselves again too, and become as smart as we once were. Or even smarter! So hail to our Neanderthal forebears! I hope we become more like them again.


Varg Vikernes

ᛉ Burzum Merchandise ᛣ

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