


The Allgermanische Heidnische Front (AHF) or Pangermanic Heathen Front (PHF) - international heathen organization, based on odalism and Germanic heathendom.

Years active: 1993 – 2006

Motto: Wotan mit uns! (Wotan with us!)

Program book: "Vargsmål" (Varg's Speech) by Varg Vikernes

Branches of AHF:
  • BELORUSSIA - Krivian Heathen/Druvian Front (Kryuski Druvijski Front, KDF), founded in 2002 by Alexey Derman (Dzermant)
  • DENMARK – Danish Heathen Front (Dansk Hedensk Front, DHF)
  • FLANDERS - Flemish Heathen Front (Vlaams Heidens Front, VHF)
  • GERMANY - German Heathen Front (Deutsche Heidnische Front, DHF), founded in 1998 by Hendrik Möbus of Absurd
  • NETHERLANDS – Dutch Heathen Front (Nederlands Heidens Front, DHF)
  • NORTH AMERICA - Vinlandic Heathen Front (VHF)
  • NORWAY - Norwegian Heathen Front (Norsk Hedensk Front, NHF), founded in 1993
  • RUSSIA - Russian Heathen Front (Ðóññêèé ÿçû÷åñêèé ôðîíò, ÐßÔ), founded in 1998
  • SWEDEN - Swedish Heathen Front (Svensk Hednisk Front, SHF), founded in 1997
  • UNITED KINGDOM - English Heathen Front (EHF)

Pangermanic Heathen Front
Pangermanic Heathen Front

Russian Heathen Front
Russian Heathen Front

German Heathen Front
German Heathen Front

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