

Burzum "Aske" (mini-LP) 1993
Deathlike Silence Productions

Burzum - Aske (mini-LP) 1993


[Side Hate]

Stemmen Fra Tårnet (The Voice from the Tower)
Dominus Sathanas (Master Satan)

[Side Winter]

A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit


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Recorded August 1992 at Grieghallen Studios
Produced by Count Grishnackh and Pytten
All music and lyrics by Count Grishnackh 1991
Bass on this mini album played by Samoth (tracks 1, 3)
"Dominus Sathanas" recorded April 1992
Released in March 1993
Cover photo by Are Mundal (06.06.1992)
Previous title - "Inn I Drømmens Slott" ("Into the Castle of Dreams") to be released on Burz-Nazg Prod. (Cymophane Productions)

Comments: The burned church on the cover is Fantoft Stavechurch. The first 1000 copies came with a free lighter bearing the same image (which were distributed by Voices of Wonder Records). Although "Aske" was recorded after "Det Som Engang Var" album, but was released before it.

© 1993 Deathlike Silence Productions


Stemmen Fra Tårnet
December 1991

En ukjent stemme kalte
Fra tårnet hvor ingen bodde
Fra bortenfor skogen
Hvor intet levde

Et rop i drømmen så skjønt
Som stemmen til dronningen av natten

Vi våknet og saa månen
Delvis dekket av dystre skyer

Det var kaldt og vått
På vår ferd inn i riket
Av ufødte tanker
Endelig kan vi se hva som kalte
For vi fulgte den stemmen i natt...

An unknown voice called
From the tower where nobody dwells
From beyond the wood
Where nothing lives

A cry in the dream so beautiful
Like the voice of the queen of the night

We awoke and saw the moon
Covered partly by gloomy clouds

It was cold and wet
On our journey
To the realm
Of the unborn thoughts
Finally we can see what called
For we followed the voice tonight

Dominus Sathanas
May 1990


A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
September 1991

The Fire in the Sky is Extinguished
Blue Waters no Longer Cry
The Dancing of Trees Has Stopped
The Stream of Freshness from Cold Winds
Exists no Longer
The Rain Has Stopped to Drip
From the Sky
Still Dripping Exists
From the Veins of a Nearly Dead Boy
Once There Was Hatred
Once There Was Cold
There is Only
A Dark Stone Tomb
With an Altar
An Altar which
Serves As a Bed
A Bed of Eternal Sleep
The Dreams of the Human in Sleep
Are Dreams of Relief
A Gate out of Hell
Into the Void of Death
Yet Undisturbed
The Human Sleep
And One Day
Will the Grave Be Unlocked
And the Soul
Must Return to His World
But This Time as
A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
To Haunt

ᛉ Burzum Merchandise ᛣ

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