

Varg Vikernes
"Reflections on European Mythology and Polytheism" 2015

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The Dark Ages

The Dark Ages is a term used to describe the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. It is called by that name because "The period is characterized by a relative scarcity of historical and other written records at least for some areas of Europe, rendering it obscure to historians". We can also read that: "The concept of a Dark Age originated with the Italian scholar Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) in the 1330s, and was originally intended as a sweeping criticism of the character of Late Latin literature. Petrarch regarded the post-Roman centuries as "dark" compared to the light of classical antiquity. Later historians expanded the term to refer to the transitional period between Roman times and the High Middle Ages (c. XIth - XIIIth century), including the lack of Latin literature, and a lack of contemporary written history, general demographic decline, limited building activity and material cultural achievements in general. Later historians and writers picked up the concept, and popular culture has further expanded on it as a vehicle to depict the Middle Ages as a time of backwardness, extending its pejorative use and expanding its scope."

As we know, the fall of Rome came shortly after the introduction of Judeo-Christianity as the official cult, and we also know that the Renaissance was a renaissance of the "Pagan" (i.e. European) culture, ideals, philosophy, science and values, that by the XIVth century had begun to return to Europe from the Muslim world via crusaders and Muslim invaders. Unlike the Judeo-Christians, who burned and destroyed everything European they came across, the Muslims had kept much of the European literature they came across.

The early Dark Ages are described as "The Migration Period" when different European tribes moved about: first Huns and Goths, Vandals, Saxons, Jutes and Angles and other Germanic tribes, then Slavs and others too. They were - according to history - forced to move by other tribes. History don’t say much about why this migration period came about in the first place though, why the first tribes started to migrate, pushing others to do the same. We do however know why the Scandinavians started to move about in the Viking Age, and we know that they were not forced to move by other migrating tribes: They started to move about because of the aggression of Judeo-Christians in the south. Yes, interestingly, the "moving about" of tribes correspond well only with the spread of Judeo-Christianity in Europe... After Southern Europe had been Christianized, the spread of Judeo-Christianity came first to Western Europe, then to Eastern Europe, then finally to Northern Europe. And wherever it came the tribes started to "migrate".

Rather than tell us what happened in this time of "demographic decline", historians today just - safely - state that "we don’t know". It’s a Dark Age...

That is of course very convenient for the Judeo-Christians, whose historians basically say that: "Judeo-Christianity rose in the Roman Empire in spite of the cruel and unjust persecution by the emperors, then the Roman Empire fell (because of pressure from "barbarians", must say: not because of the disruptive, criminal and destructive work of Judeo-Christians inside the Roman Empire...) and after a few hundred years of historical darkness, that we don't know much about, most of Europe emerged Judeo-Christian."

We have written sources describing how the Romans, the Scandinavians, the Balts and the Finns resisted the Christianization violently, but conveniently we have no sources describing how the other Europeans reacted (but we are told to believe that the other European tribes were simply converted... because the message of "Jesus" is so true and convincing, of course). We just know that they started "migrate" and that there was "democratic decline" in Europe at the time. And then when history was being recorded again they were all Judeo-Christians. Hallelujah!


Let me tell you what I think happened: The Judeo-Christians destroyed the Roman Empire from within, and whilst doing so the "barbarian" peoples of Europe defended themselves, from the Judeo-Christian poison coming from the Roman Empire, by attacking the Roman Empire - just like the Scandinavians defended themselves from the same poison a few hundred years later, in the Viking Age, by attacking mainly the Judeo-Christian missionary centers (i.e. monasteries) in Judeo-Christian Europe.

The conversion of Europeans was - as described in the later Scandinavian Viking Age sources - by means of threats, violence, torture, hostage taking, child abduction and murder. The Judeo-Christians operated the most ruthless, violent and cruel mafias, with the Pope and the Great Patriarch as the godfathers, and gained power in the same manner as criminal organizations today gain power.

This caused entire tribes to migrate, to flee from their terror, in an attempt to get away from them. So the Saxons, the Jutes, the Angles, the Belgae etc. fled to "Pagan" lands, the British Isles. Others charged head on, and sacked Rome (again...). Yet others moved entirely out of Europe, like the Vandals.

When the Judeo-Christian sicarii-like mob came to Scandinavia, just before the Viking Age, this was the reason for the sudden "Viking" activity, and only then came "The Viking Age", and many there too fled, to Ireland, to Scotland, to Iceland and even to the Americas, to where the Judeo-Christians were weak or where they had no power at all, or they charged head on and sacked the monasteries from whence the terrorists came, and cut them down like the genocidal criminals they were.

Yes, I think the "demographic decline" in Europe from year 400 to 800 was the result of a genocide perpetrated by the Judeo-Christians. They were terrorizing and killing Europeans en masse, men and women, young and old, boys and girls, and even infants - and we don’t know about this because they covered up their crime by - conveniently - erasing 400 years of written history. And they could do that: They wrote this history themselves, they kept the books themselves, in their monasteries. Getting rid of these books was no problem. So they did (and they still do the same, even to the events we have experienced in our own age: They erase or re-write history as they see fit).

To us it's just a dark age, that we "know nothing about", and then we are supposed to believe that Europe accepted Judeo-Christianity willingly, without resistance. The Viking Age is written off as the fruits of Scandinavian "barbarism" and "Pagan aggression", and the Roman resistance was just absurd, and only a result of ignorance. "They even accused the Judeo-Christians of cannibalism, ha ha ha". How ridicules. Right?

The hard facts are that Europe after the Christianization and before the Renaissance is referred to by modern scientists (including archaeologists) like this: "general demographic decline, limited building activity and material cultural achievements in general." These are the fruits of Judeo-Christianity. Europe before Judeo-Christianity was prosperous, scientifically advanced, educated, healthy, spiritually advanced, culturally advanced and artistically advanced, and all of this did only return to Europe with the Renaissance, the beginning of the end of Judeo-Christianity in Europe, when Europe started to find back to its own roots. Europe started the long walk back to life, after having suffered in the Judeo-Christian darkness for so long.

Varg Vikernes


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