

Varg Vikernes
"Reflections on European Mythology and Polytheism" 2015

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The Genealogy of the Deities

We most commonly assume that it is important to know who is the father, mother, sibling, son or daughter of this or that deity, in the same manner as it is important for us mortal men to know our relations. Naturally the modern anti-European man, and the scam science of psychology in particular, has used the stories about the different love affairs of the deities and their family relations for all it's worth to present our deities as adulterous and incestuous, but like always they get it all wrong.

The goddess Freyja is described as having love affairs with a number of others, and this sounds horrible until you realise that she is just a picture of married women in general - and naturally different married women have love affairs with different men; with their own husbands. In other contexts, Freyja's love affairs are just metaphors or even mysteries (like the Snow White fairy tale).

When Freyja is said to be married to her own twin brother, Freyr, it only means that the marriage was symbolic: they were the Sacred May Couple. There is nothing incestuous about this, as the marriage was purely symbolic. Their children, the light elves, are but the hamingja generated by the May Couple!

The gods too are concepts and represent something in each initiated man, and their often seemingly adulterous love affairs are explanations to different phenomena. The offspring of these seemingly adulterous affairs are but the effects and consequences of the phenomenon in question.

When a deity is e.g. the father of another it does not mean that he actually fathered the other, but e.g. that the first gave reason for the latter to come into existence, or that the mastery of the powers of the first is a pre-requisite for the mastery of the powers of the latter. E.g. like you first need to learn the alphabet in order to read a text; thus in a mythological language the Alphabet is the father of Reading, and Reading the son of the Alphabet. No deity actually ever procreated in real life, so they have no sons or daughters, no fathers or mothers, and no siblings; they are but powers inside each one of us - and they lie there dormant until they are "born" or awakened" by the right initiation mystery or other trigger.

To a few at least this sometimes becomes rather obvious too, like when Athena (Scandinavian; Saga) is born fully armed from the forehead of Zevs (here Scandinavian Ôðinn). Of course the goddess of wisdom, lore, philosophy, courage, inspiration et cetera, is born from the alert mind.

So just like there are no different races of gods, there are no different families of gods either. The deities are related to each other not like mortal men, but like natural or supernatural phenomena, like effects and counter-effects, actions and reactions, et cetera, and to understand them we need to think of them as such and understand the mythological language of Europe. The Thunder (Þôrr) chases the Lightning (Loki), because you can always hear the thunder after you have seen the lightning, and the Thunder is married to the Crops (Sif) because the Thunder brings about rain, and rain the Crops.

Varg Vikernes


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