

Varg Vikernes
"Reflections on European Mythology and Polytheism" 2015

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Why the European Religion?

The native European religion, traditions, customs, culture and world view, is known in slightly different hues from all over Ancient Europe. This polytheistic religion is the religion of our blood and soil, and like a mind cannot be separated from the body this religion cannot be separated from us; without it we will cease to be. Without it we will die, like we do today, because we don't practice it. With the re-introduction of the European religion we will start to live like we did before, in harmony with ourselves and our environment, and be able to cultivate our racial peculiarities, known to have brought forth philosophy, mathematics, architecture, beautiful music, sculptures, paintings, poetry, medicine, astronomy and all sorts of technology.

The European religion promotes not some fictional otherworldly "Paradise" as the ultimate goal for each individual man, but instead the eternal life on the soil of the forebears, and immortality through Honour. There is no contempt for the Earth, no description of Earth as something you have to "endure" or "tolerate" until you can move on to something better. The European religion promotes the Earth and life on Earth as something good, valuable and meaningful, and holds the Honourable life as the highest ideal. Life is lived with the betterment of everything in mind, the preservation of the good and the promotion of Honour: the Honourable European lives his life knowing - or if you prefer believing - that he will himself be re-born by his own descendants after he has died, so he does his best to make life as good as possible for those who comes after him. He will not deplete any resources or chop down entire woods for profit, because he knows that he will himself need them in his next life. All he does well in this life will be to his own benefit in his next, and he will only be reborn if he lives and dies with Honour.

The European Religion is not just our religion; it is the quintessence of the European man! The mind and spirit of Europe! Without the European Religion the European man is like a computer without software (e.g. an Atheist), or with software that is not or only partly compatible with the hardware (e.g. Buddhist) or even with malicious software (like a virus) working to destroy everything inside (e.g. a Christian or Muslim). He is not working properly, if at all, and he will crash. Re-boot if you like, every time you crash, but be prepared to crash again and keep crashing until you remove all viruses and install the right software. You can. Everything you need is here, in this book.

Varg Vikernes


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