

The Dark-Haired & Dark-Skinned Western Hunter-Gatherers?

If we look at maps showing the frequency of blonde hair and light eyes in Europe, we in effect also look at maps showing the "fairness of skin", because those with blonde hair and light eyes are also by and large the most fair skinned.

The Dark-Haired & Dark-Skinned Western Hunter-Gatherers?

The Dark-Haired & Dark-Skinned Western Hunter-Gatherers?

If we then compare these maps with the map of "Western Hunter Gatherer" admixture in European populations, they overlap rather well, so to speak. If not perfectly.

The Dark-Haired & Dark-Skinned Western Hunter-Gatherers?

In other words, the official claim that the more a population has of the dark haired and dark skinned Western Hunter-Gatherer Group, the group the Cheddar Man belongs to, the more blonde and fair-skinned it is...

I would humbly argue that this shows that their "research" is pure lie-propaganda.

Varg Vikernes

ᛉ Burzum Merchandise ᛣ

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