

Marie Cachet
"The Secret of the She-Bear: An unexpected key to understand European mythologies, traditions and tales" 2017

Marie Cachet - The Secret of the She-Bear: An unexpected key to understand European mythologies, traditions and tales (2017)

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344 pages
Published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (18.11.2017)
ISBN-10: 1979881022
ISBN-13: 978-1979881029
Size dimensions: 5 x 0.8 x 8 inches

🤔 Have you ever thought about why myths and traditions from Europe all seem so weirdly connected?

📜 "The Secret of the She-Bear" reveals a surprising truth: the majority of our well-known myths are part of a deeply rooted reincarnation ritual dating back to the Stone-Age Bear Cult.

📖 While reading the book, you will discover how the European myths and traditions are linked and realize that the She-Bear isn't just a character... It is indeed a gateway to understand the very essence of reincarnation woven into our traditions.

🗝️ You will learn how to use this key to solve the riddles about our cultural history... But... Are you prepared for a radical change of perspective?

© 2017 Marie Cachet

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