

Varg Vikernes
Thulean Perspective

The problem when you reject the "lost souls" of our race is that many if these individuals have children. Not yet broken. Not yet ruined. Not yet soiled. Not yet "educated" (read: brainwashed) into worthlessness. Not yet as useless, destructive, self-hating and suicidal as their parents.

You can always argue that today we all have access to basically all information. We can all educate ourselves, if we want to. We can perfectly well "vaccinate" ourselves against their venomous lies, and thus become impervious to their mind plagues. If we don’t, it is our own fault, right? We are all responsible for our own lives. No excuses. If you are 30+ years old today and still push their (…) agenda, then I say f*** you. You will get what you deserve, when this house of shit comes falling down on top of your head. However, if you are 16 -20 years old and have started to push their agenda, you can still wake up. Your brain, your heart and your backbone have probably not rotted away completely yet. If you are a child…. then you are not yet responsible for your own education. You are still under the control of others. You are not yet free to do what is right.

When we wisely give up the Soros-agents, the ***-worshipping human waste, the weaklings kneeling to their idols, the gender-confused mental-cases, the broken, the perverse, the suicidal, etc. that is one thing, but we cannot give up on our young. Most of them probably are or will become worthless scum too, just like their parents most likely already are, but it is, I believe, our duty to enable them a chance to find their way through the darkness of the spreading desert, and back to their roots. Back to nature. Back to life. Back to the divine. Back to the "religion of the blood". Back to their ancestral heritage.

We have no access to the educational institutions in this sick world. Nor can we shine light into their minds via the MSM, and most of the time not even on social media – at least not the social media where most of them end up. But we can shine bright from a distance. Like a beacon. Like a lighthouse, guiding ships through dangerous waters. They are young and vulnerable, and they might well need a little help to find the right way.

We can let them know that we exist. We can let them know that there is an alternative. Show them your perseverance, your success, your happiness, your abilities, your skills, your strength. Show them that in spite of what the goblin rulers of this world say or do, we still exist, proudly, and we are not affected by their poison.

They arrest you? Harass you? Imprison you for years? Shut down your bank accounts? Throw you out from your home? Character murder you in public, over and over again? Throw huge fines at you? They troll and shut down your social media accounts? They tell everyone that you are "racist" and "dangerous" etc.? They boycott everything you do? They take away civil rights from you? They even put you in history books and slander you there too?

You know, what do they achieve, when you after all that still do just fine in life? What does this say to all those who are told that people like you are the rejects and losers of society?

Yes, show the young that they have an alternative to living in the reeking cesspool of the global village. Show that there is still strength left in our race. Show that what has been right for hundreds of thousands of years still works and still is right.

Family and Tradition. Blood and Soil. Honour and Duty.

Work hard. Survive. Thrive. Shine. Inspire. Those individuals worth anything at all will see the light from your lighthouse and adjust their course. The rest? Who cares? Let them sail into the abyss and go extinct. Good riddance. Let them drown in their own vomit. Each man gets what he deserves.

Heill Óðinn!

Varg Vikernes

Crowning the winner with laurel in ancient greek Olympic games

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