

Varg Vikernes
Thulean Perspective
The End is Nigh

The world has changed. Not by our hands. Not by our thoughts. Not without our resistance.

What used to be high ideals are now cast into the deepest mud and trampled on. Light is now darkness. Darkness is now light. Love is now hatred. Hatred is now love. The tallest mountain is now the deepest sea. The deepest sea is now the tallest mountain. All taboos have been broken. All justice destroyed. All truth spat upon. All that was pure has been soiled.

Like a tidal wave this filth washes over the Earth and defiles all who stand in its way. Mankind is thrown into a pit filled with stupidity, cowardice, perversion, dishonesty, greed, ignorance, mental disease, cruelty, hatred and bile. The end is nigh.

I resisted. Let that be known to all who read this: I did all I could to stop this, using all the means available to me. When I was knocked down, I got back up, and kept resisting. For a long time, I tried to hold back the tidal wave…

But I was washed away. It was to no avail. It was folly! When I tried to help the others wading around in this sea of shit, I was met with scorn and hatred. They spat at me, called me a "racist" and an "anti-Semite" and other strange name.

Bruised, injured, weakened, soiled, exhausted and barely able to walk, eventually I waded for higher ground. I made it to a little hill & climbed it. Always looking back at all those I cared for, who remained in the disgusting cesspit behind me. The hardest thing to accept was that they remained there of their own free will. Nobody forced them to. They too could head for higher ground, but they chose not to.

Rats will always prefer to live in a sewer, I guess.

Well, I made it. I sit here on my little hill, safe from their filth and bile. Silenced, ignored and character-assassinated so thoroughly that nobody will even look for a second my way, I sit here and look out on the world and all the creatures in it. I understand that my resistance was futile. I understand that this world deserves to drown in its own filth. Those who deserve to live, those who wish to live have already run to the hills. They will prevail. Or some of them anyhow.

A new and better world will be born, free from their filth and free from all who welcome and embrace it.

Rejoice! The End is Nigh!

Varg "Âðàã" Vikernes, the Hillman

Varg the Hillman Vikernes

ᛉ Burzum Merchandise ᛣ

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