Varg Vikernes Thulean Perspective The Glorious Cathedrals of Europe
When I argue that Christianity suffocated Europe intellectually and spiritually, and left our culture and populations dramatically reduced in all ways, the standard reaction from Christians is to show images of the "magnificent" cathedrals built by the Christians in the Middle Ages. This is supposed to prove that I am wrong, and that Christianity did not actually turn Europeans into ignorant, filthy, broken and dramatically reduced primitives. Instead, we, they argue, became better and started to build glorious temples for the new Semitic idol. Because "of course", before Christianity we were indeed ignorant primitives.
You can of course easily list endless examples of "glorious" buildings in biological Europe from before Christianity had even been invented. All the seven wonders of the Ancient World were built by Pagans. Every single one of them. The Greeks built magnificent temples to their Pagan Gods, and the Romans did too. They also built aqueducts, bridges, sewers, theaters and more, en masse, and even the "barbarians" of Europe built magnificent ships, the Stone Henge, the New Grange burial mound, and numerous beautiful wooden temples. Only someone extremely ignorant will believe in the lies of the Christians. Even civilization itself was built by Pagans. In Europe by the Romans and Greeks. And it barely survived Christianity!
But they are correct that the architecture skills in Europe survived Christianity. And it did because the Christians wanted to build temples to their immigrant idol, to impose their Semitic beliefs on the Europeans, to force them to worship their Hebrew tribal "god", to scare them and to ensure control. These temples were not only temples, but also intelligence gathering centers, where any and all opposition could be picked up, identified and "dealt with".
And they did "deal with" the Pagans in all areas they took over. They burnt the Pagan temples, often with the Pagan priests inside, executed all who refused to bend their knee to the new Semitic idol and ruthlessly rooted out all European culture, as best as they could. When they failed, they Christianized it instead, and made it part of their own alien cult. Like they did with all our Pagan festivals.
The fate of everything else, everything except architecture, is a different story. And even in architecture Europe lost much. Existing buildings were not only neglected by them, but were actually also vandalized and often destroyed, and many building techniques were forgotten. Streets and bridges made by the Pagans were still used, but they built no new roads and did not maintain the old ones. The new bridges they built were of vastly inferior quality, and none of them survived time. The old roads and bridges, built by Pagans, survived only because they had been so well made. Public baths, sewers and aqueducts were destroyed by them, or left unused. Eventually they collapsed, of course. When you see images of Ancient Greek open theaters, overgrown and abandoned, you must understand that they did not "fall out of use", but the use of theaters was banned by the Christians! Acting only survived as Christian propaganda, and this was done as in religous plays in the churches themselves.
Hypatia (a Greek living in Alexandria, then part of the East Roman Empire) murdered, by a Christian mob
Old Pagan philosophy schools, sports arenas, baths, horse racing courses, libraries, and so forth were all shut down. More than ten thousand libraries in Europe were burnt down by the Christians! Sport itself was suppressed and partly survived only because it was practiced in remote locations out of reach of the power of the church. Only religious sculptures were allowed, and they were made of inferior materials and in a quality and with a technique vastly inferior to that of the Ancient Pagan world, and nothing even half-way comparable to the Ancient sculptures were made until the Renaissance (of Pagan ideas and ideals!).
When it comes to philosophy, the Church burnt all existing works, with only a few exceptions (mainly in the East Roman Empire), where they kept them hidden from the public. They established a monopoly for philosophy. Real philosophers were censored, persecuted, and even murdered. Nothing of any value was made from the time the Christians murdered Hypatia during the Christianization of Greece, until the Renaissance, when ancient Pagan philosophy was revived. And I may add that the Renaissance was possible only because the Muslims had kept much of the Ancient philosophical works that they had come across. When the Muslims were defeated, in Spain and Portugal, as well as in North Africa and the Middle East, many of these ancient Pagan works were found by European knights, and brought back to Europe. Also, when the Muslims defeated the East Roman Empire, and sacked their capital, the old libraries of the elite, where the Christians had secretly kept some of the ancient European texts, were plundered by the fleeing Greeks, who brought these books as refugees to Italy (mainly). Books were very valuable at the time, so they did that to sell them them; to make sure they would have some money when they arrived, and thus an ability to survive there.
Education was common in the Ancient world, and everyone had been taught to read and write. Public schools were built and paid for by the rich! After Christianity though, all education was denied for almost all Europeans, except to a few rich people and those who planned to become priests. Education became limited to Christian indoctrination.
It does not stop there though! Dance was banned as "Pagan", tribalism was of course banned and replaced by Christian kingdoms, history was replaced by pure fabrications and lie-propaganda, and mathematics was treated as Pagan philosophy and was reduced to the simple arithmetic needed to calculate the date of Easter. All medicine was banned, and diseases were instead seen as rightful punishment for sins. Hygiene was abandoned as un-Christian. Painting too was banned, except for religious themes for use in Christian propaganda and churches. Pre-Christian art was destroyed whenever they came across it. Most painting techniques were forgotten, and lost for centuries, until they were re-discovered because of the Renaissance (of Pagan ideas and ideals).
When you see magnificent paintings and sculptures appearing in Christian Europe, in the XIVth century, this is because of the Renaissance of Pagan ideas and ideals.
And how did the Christians react to that!?
Yes! This is the moment in history when they started burning "witches". They saw their monopoly and power disappear, as more and more Europeans returned to their own roots and embraced Pagan ideas and ideals again. So the Christians fought back, to keep their power! They did that by murdering more Europeans, by torturing them and burning them alive, in public, to "scare straight" the Europeans. And of course, they murdered mainly those who were the keepers of the Pagan traditions: women. In particular the midwives.
Yes! The Pagan tradition was kept mainly by women, just like all traditions even today are. Mainly women keep the traditions. Without our women, even Yule and Easter, would have been lost ages ago already.
And this is where it gets interesting, because the church mainly murdered women in Protestant countries. Why?
Well, the Protestant countries were "by chance" also the countries that had been Christianized last. In Southern Europe, the Christians had destroyed everything Pagan for hundreds of years already, even for a thousand years, so there was very little left to destroy there. Even the populations themselves were largely mixed with North Africans and Semitic peoples. When the Renaissance re-kindled old ideas and ideals there, and not least skills, the Pagan awakening was not as dramatic as it was when these ideas and ideals reached Central, Western and Northern Europe. In these mainly Protestant parts of Europe the European blood was still overwhelmingly dominant. The Pagan memory was still very much alive. Christianity had not yet had the time to destroy their blood and heritage completely. It was still "too easily" re-kindled there. And dramatic measures were necessary, to stop that!
I can add that when they had burnt most of our midwives, the traditional sages and keepers of (Pagan) traditions in Europe, they replaced them with male doctors, and the mortality rates for both new-borns and women giving birth sky-rocketed. When it had been fairly safe to give birth before, it from then on became incredibly dangerous to give birth.
An ancient Greek theater. Fallen into ruins, because the Christians BANNED theaters. Partly repaired in modern times.
The conclusion I will draw from all of this, is that yes, architecture survived Christianity, and "glorious" temples for their Semitic "god" were indeed built in Europe, before the Renaissance of Pagan ideas and ideals, but everything else was banned and if possible destroyed by Christianity. Intellectually and spiritually, and even physically, Europe was sent into a dark abyss by the Christians, and we only survived because we found back to our Pagan roots.
We are still in this dark and dangerous Semitic abyss. But we are slowly and surely saving ourselves, from the plague called Christianity. Many keep falling, and err in the darkness, but many others or later also manage to climb out and see the light again. Like people emerging from Plato's cave. Thankfully, only some of us, the most broken, useless and worthless amongst us, are still blinded by the idiotic lies of Christianity.
What started with the Renaissance is not over yet. We are still waking up. And fear not, fellow Europeans! We will wake up completely, before they manage to destroy us and wipe our name from the records of man.
Varg Vikernes 27.03.2024
ᛉ Burzum Merchandise ᛣ