

Det Som Engang Varg
Interview with Varg Vikernes
"Slayer" Magazine (#10, 1994)
Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen

Slayer magazine cover (1994)

In the past we have done several interviews with Varg Vikernes, none of them have been published due to various reasons. Anyway, what we have here is a two-piece interview which was made in 1994... I say no more and let Varg speak!


Now there is a new Burzum CD out called "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" and then there is one more called "Filosofem", but what will happen after that and how do you see the future releases of Burzum?

It depends on the result of the trial. Anyway, I can make albums with electronic music. But to continue with my drums, vocal and guitars recordings I need a sound studio with more advanced equipment than a computer or a four track portable studio. I need freedom or leaves to do it. So the future releases will be Burzum as it has always been but Metal parts may have to wait, if I get a sentence... (Which he has, as you all know - ED) The electronic Burzum music is taking over the albums, like "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" being 1/3 electronic and "Filosofem" being 1/2 electronic. So maybe all future Burzum will be electronic. I don't know. I have no plans, I'll take it as it comes. Burzum is and will always be melancholic, monotonous and transcendental. I don't view rock'n'roll as the roots of my Black Metal. Without doubt German underground techno is the origin of Burzum music.

Are you able to create music in your current position?

Only lyrics. I haven't touched an instrument in seven months. When I get transferred to Bergen or released I'll start playing music again... patience.

Many reckon Burzum as the ultimate Back Metal creation; are you still?

I've thought about it and in a way I forsake the Burzum supporters if I stop doing Metal now. So I think Burzum will always be what it has always been. After all, together with Darkthrone and Immortal, Burzum were the first to do true Norwegian Black Metal and it is our duty to complete the tower of the eye. Swords, axes, spears and hammers are after all metal, more or less, and instruments of war. Yes, Burzum is the ultimate Black Metal creation, but when I speak of Burzum I also speak of the most honourable brethren in Darkthrone and Immortal. The Norse trinity of kings.

Do you have any thoughts about what happened in Norway in 1993?

The awakening of heathendom. I did a lot to light the fire of our past. In spite of what other influential Black Metallers sought for I followed my own path to the glory of Odin. This caused some heavy reactions and almost a state of civil war between the Vikings and Euronymous' feeble "Satanists". We all know the result of this quick war. Euronymous is dead and ashes buried in Christian soil and blessed by "God’s" inept servants while the police and the ludicrous Christians have torn our scene apart with totally ridiculous anti Burzum propaganda and with ex-Euronymous supporting informers giving false testimonies in the Vikings disfavour. 1993 was a year of chaos, rivalry, death and most of all survival for the fittest. Left am I with my growing army of Vikings. 1994 will be a year of re-organisation of the scattered heathen hordes - Stronger than ever. The anti Burzum propaganda of the police have been very successful indeed. Everybody believes I brutally murdered the commie rat Euronymous and that I'm the bad guy while Euronymous was just an innocent victim of Burzum. This is pure fuckin' bullshit and time will tell. In the meanwhile, the propaganda bullshit flourishes. I'll crush their lies and spit on them afterwards. The victory of Vikings is at hand. Odin lives on forever, the one eyed Satan.

Today the scene with you and Burzum is a bit different, how do you see it? What does Burzum stand for today?

The same as always. Total destruction of Christendom in Scandinavia. The scene is different in the way that we no longer use the word Satanism, but instead we use heathendom as a term to identify us with. I think the same but speak more clearly. Equivocative speech have proven only to cause confusion, thus I elucidate my views with clear speech to avoid erroneous interpretations and misconceptions by the foul masses. Heathendom or Satanism, why not say heathendom anyway?

Do you feel you have still a lot of supporters and gain new ones? Do you support new bands?

I support all true Norwegians who support me, be them in bands or not, be them long or shorthaired, be them Black Metallers or so called "normal". As long as they are true Norwegians with true Norwegian moral and ideology I support them as brethren. It is not music for me, the scene is an army of heathens swinging the hammer of Thorr to crush the skull of "God" and his effete and inept people. I'm very close minded and never listen to any new music, but as war brothers I support them. Who I support? Well, you can tell by one thing. Do they hail and praise Darkthrone, Immortal and Burzum? If so they harvest support from Burzum. Yes, indeed, the support for Burzum is still vast, we gain new ones now more than ever. Burzum is a tribe growing...

Do you think more extreme things will happen now?

The second wave of attack will be more like a wave of heathen moral and ideology to settle in the heads of a vast number of people, but also things will happen. The police propaganda has scared the shit out of most people but hopefully they will realise they need not worry. The biggest punch in our face is the fact that people like Samoth and Bård Faust of Emperor actually have talked on everybody, they are informers. Both of them are witnessing falsely against me giving me two extra church arson charges, some grave desecration and burglary charges. All because they are so fuckin' afraid of the police. They don't get that they don't need to say anything at all. Fuckin' weak children. Half of the arrests have been made just because these clowns couldn't shut up. This lead to distrust and uncertainty in our scene, thus little action is done. There is little point in doing anything when guys like Samoth and Faust of Emperor turn you in just to save some months in prison for themselves. If people could be all men instead of losers, there would be no Christian dust left in Norway. We could have turned the nation heathen within a couple of years... With hard work - Viking work! Ten true Vikings are better than a million losers like Emperor! (Hey, I think their bassist is OK... - ED) By the way, you say extreme things, nothing extreme has happened in Norway. Only plain healthy heathendom that is...

What is the biggest problem you face now?

I can't see any major problems. Imprisonment is a bit irritating but no big problem as I can continue with my splendid work anyway...

What do you think of Voices of Wonder changing the bass lines on the Mayhem LP? Do you think they really did it or is it something they say?

It's quite amusing really. Truly a compliment to be removed from a Black Metal LP because they think I'm too uncongenial. "Too evil" for Mayhem... HAH! Fuck wimps. Hopefully they really do it, in that way they prove their fear of Count Grishnackh of Burzum. If I kiss the master tape they'll probably wash it with holy water.

Do you think media is to focused on you as a person instead of your music? (Is all promo good promo?)

They are too busy talking shit about me to mention the music. Most promo is good promo but I'm not interested in promoting me. I prefer promoting my ideology and Burzum. This movement is not about me. It's about a union of people faithful to their heathen nature, it's about our ideology. It's about NHUF! (Norwegian Heathen Undemocratic Front, in Norwegian: Norsk Hedensk Udemokratisk Front)

Do you think you made a brand new style of Black Metal with your first LP?

With Scandinavian arrogance I say yes, indeed. Burzum introduced a new vocal and a new way of playing music. Together with Immortal and Darkthrone, Burzum changed the Norse scene completely. From nothing to a strong Black Metal scene (With nothing I mean a handful of ridiculous Death Metal bands). This trinity is the fundament of true Norwegian Black Metal. Mayhem is unessential as they did nothing, no releases, no rehearsing. Nothing but talk and porno films and coca cola and some more talk. The god of laziness in earthly communist manifestation. I'll boast and say the debut album of Burzum was a mighty scream from a forest unknown. Today the forest's crowded. But also the screams of Burzum came from an unseen tower beyond the forest on the other side. Today a song is heard from the starlit sky, the crowd will always be one step behind. Alas, as sheep follow the shepherd! HAH! Arrogance and Burzum! Two sides of the same thing...

Whatever happened with the deals with Earache and Candlelight? Was it true?

Yes, there was a deal proposal from Earache. But they withdrew it as Burzum turned out to be a bit too uncongenial for them, Candlelight didn't mind so I had talks with them, but after the splendid fall of the commie rat and I being charged for the murder Burzum became too uncongenial for "Them" too. I needed a label with Germanien dignity. A controversial label with guts to touch a band like Burzum. So I signed to Misanthropy Records.

And what about the bootleg of the first LP?

To support the labels with rights to print and sell Burzum I won't talk about the bootleggers. I know at least three European bootlegs of Burzum and one US one. "Det Som Engang Var" included. I don't like this but in a way it is nothing but a compliment, a praise of Burzum. I have heard of an LP version of "Det Som Engang Var" and it pisses me off to know I don't have it. So support non but: Misanthropy and Cymophane when it comes to Burzum releases. Misanthropy have the rights to release the four first albums, and Cymophane the rights to distribute all of Burzum in Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland and Denmark. This is what I know, still Misanthropy Records might have more information concerning this.

Do you fear for your life when you get out of jail?

We shall all die and I fear it not. In a way we are all dying, for indeed life is a slow death. We grow old, fade away, grow weak. I say let the weak die. My time shall come when I am weak, as with all others. If I am shot in the back, I'm a fool not to foresee that a sniper may lurk in the shadows behind me. If I am stabbed to death with a knife or dagger I am a weaker warrior than my foe. If I am poisoned I am a fool to let an enemy near my food. If a car hit me, I am to unobservant to deserve survival. If I die of disease it is my destiny. Alas, if anybody want me dead let them try, I enjoy a good fight and if they win (which they won't! HAH!) they win, so what? I'll die fighting. Reincarnation in Valhalla awaits. Eternal strife!

So right now, don't you listen to any music at all?

Oh yes, right now I listen to the advance tape of Darkthrone's new masterpiece "Transilvanian Hunger". Apart from the most honourable Darkthrone I listen to genuine pieces like "Pure Holocaust" of Immortal, Von, "Infernal Overkill" by Destruction, most of Bathory, some When, Software, Vangelis, Lidskjalf, Das Ich, Goethes Erben and some other electronic music.

Now I would like to hear what you want to say about the Black Circle... Your story...

My story... I won't circumambulate the essence you wish me to step into. For once sake I'll try to avoid equivocative transcendental thus deficient elucidation of the essence of our erudition. First of all, baneful we are for non but the inept Christians and the ludicrous followers of "tetragrammaton". When I utter statements Evil it is thus for some, but indeed not for us. For me the darkness of Burzum is light, a lamp to illuminate the shadows and darkness of the umbriferious Christendom. A lamp to let us wield the mighty hammer of Thorr again, and to steer back to the route we followed thrivingly a thousand years ago, in the heathen age. That's the essence of Burzum. Truly simple, this is also the essence of what you know as the Black Circle. Our mundane purpose is simply to revivify the Germanian pride, honour, pretty values and lands. All this with and in the hammer of Thorr! The hammer is ideology, Wotanism (in Norse: Odinisme). Burzum is Wotanism. "A disparaging assertion proposed in a philosophical erudite language". Paradoxically most if not all of my unfriends in our communion dislike me due to a Christian value within them, namely modesty. I am as boasting and arrogant as my proud forefathers. I am prodigious and the quintessence, I am son of Wotan! (Norse: Odin, English: Woden) With Christian values we degenerate only to face racial obliteration - the beautiful German race's end. I say throw all Christian back to where it came from, and grow heathen. Modesty, mercy, chastity, forgiveness, humbleness, laziness, cowardism, prudishness, and so on are all Christianity. To be a heathen unity we need to elucidate the archetypical cosmology of heathendom to the weeds, the effete religions. This is an era of dry grass and wood to light the heathen fire, let us not waste it. Life is tedious circumambulation of the transcendental pillar of singularity, the Black Circle - now NHUF - is simply trying to make our brethren prevent the obliteration of light - Our light! "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" (Wenn Das Licht Uns Nimmt) is actually about this, warning about their light. Keine flammen, kein hass, du hattest recht - wir hamen in die hoelle!

"Kristen kultur er det bakterier dyrkes I" (Vargsmål)

Another world, another moral, another heaven than that which our contemporaneousness value high. Inextricable contrariety in humanity. Survival for the fittest. If we are not the fittest we sure had a better time loosing than they had winning... HAHA. I guess you sought for some info, about the people of the Satanic Mafia as well? The most correct definition of "the Mafia" is without any doubt "an esoteric disorder", the anarchy was at it's top in late summer of 1993 when all the arrests were made and the Jew propaganda thundered in the media at its worst. Also with the feeble rat's death, the anarchy fundament was replaced by, the archetypical fundament. The NHUF have attained order but still the anarchy was a necessary preliminary first wave! Many ineloquent mouths have spoken and led us all to ignominy, but at least listen to our speech. A thing we could not dream of a few years ago, they are now my exaltation for this windfall. Let it continue forever and ever in eternity. Circumambulation in a Black Circle spiral leading to... well - who knows?

Author: Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen (© 1994 "Slayer" Magazine, Norway)

Slayer Magazine (1994)

Slayer Magazine (1994)

Slayer Magazine (1994)

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