It is becoming to be a sorta like tradition to end "I came from darkness" issues into a Burzum coverage, so I won't let you down this time either. Here it is. But instead of giving you an in-depth, profound interview with Mr. Count Grishnackh like last time, I'll dare to forward you with a little "check-up" interview. Count answered this straight behind the bars of his present jail;
Ila Landsfengsel a couple of days before the year 1995 turned into 1996.
But before the strife into the interview I'd like to remind you that all the Burzum releases can be obtained from English
Misanthropy Records (read their label-special elsewhere). The record company just recently as well unleashed Burzum's long awaited fifth album
"Filosofem". Do not miss it if you wish to be enchanted by 65 minutes of cold portrayal of musical philosophy. Okay let's now start this short view.
Count, how the hell are you? You were interviewed to "I came from darkness" #3 in December 1994, anything drastic happen since then?
Not really. However, this depends on what you consider drastic. I was moved from Bergen Prison to Ila Prison and Security institution in August this year.
"Filosofem" is due for release January 1996, actually, I got the test-press CD today.
"Vargsmål" the book is due for release in April 1996 in Norwegian, and also we are establishing a pagan organization in Norway, which will dedicate itself to passive propagandation and intelligence. This is a nation-oriented organization, but also a Pangermanic thing, The
Pangermanic Nation of Nations! I guess there's a lot more, but nothing I will bother you with.
Hmm... sounds like you have lots of stuff going on. I mean the book, Burzum, the organization + your personal life. In a prison a person might fell that he is battling against the Christian community (a person who dislikes and wish destruction to Christianity of course) all alone and it's pretty hard too, I assume.
You're right when you say it's hard to fight the whole community when you're all by yourself, but you should know that I am definitely not alone. In here I am alone, alright, but "out there" there's a lot of people fighting for the same as I am.
Yeah, I guess, there is, at least considering the amount of the records Burzum sell today, there must be loads of people behind Count. Okay well, "Filosofem" has now been finally released after a horrible delay, what was keeping it?
I have been facing a lot of opposition to that release, from the different persons I've been in this far. Finally, things worked out. In addition to this, I've been bugging Diamanda [Tiziana Stupia] of
Misanthropy Records with my perfectionism. A year on isolation in Bergen didn't actually help things out either. Of the two years in prison so far, I have spent one and a half on isolation, so this slowed things down more than necessary. Finally, I am serving time normally, more or less.
How's "Hliðskjálf" doing? Have you composed ant new tracks for this synth project of yours? When can we expect the release of Odin's Throne (=Hliðskjálf)?
As I said: more or less. Actually I have no instruments here and won't have for some time. After
"Filosofem" I will release
"Balder's Død" – in late 1996 or early 1997 I think, and then
"Hliðskjálf". The latter is only half-finished by now. All will come out as Burzum, the last two as part of a concept trilogy". I reasoned, and concluded with the decision to continue with Burzum alone, making
"Hliðskjálf" an album. So, the total confuse is over...
So, you can see; there's no Hliðskjálf band anymore. It was great to hear though that there are some more Burzum albums booked. I'll bet they pound loud. Besides Burzum I was forced to ask about the lyrical contribution Count has done for his comrades Darkthrone. "Transylvanian Hunger" contained four of Count's lyrics and Darkthrone's latest, "Panzerfaust", unveiled one lyrics of Count (called "Quintessence", a magnificent track). I wonder how the man personally feels about "Panzerfaust" LP in general (and his lyrics presented there). Maybe he has also written some stuff for Darkthrone's next blast entitled "Total Death"?
I haven't heard "Panzerfaust" actually. The last metal-album I heard was "Transylvanian Hunger", with the exception of
Immortal's latest and my own (finally, after a long time without it). The why is the situation I was in when in Bergen, just recently I re-established contact with Fenriz, last week actually. Anyway, I wrote some lyrics for Darkthrone, "some good and some not that good", and Fenriz has obviously used some of them: four on "Transylvanian Hunger" and the one on "Panzerfaust". Who knows what Fenriz does further?
Yeah, who knows, I guess we'll just have to wait and see whether "Total Death" will feature any of Count's lyrics or not. That was also the end of this interview. Hope you got some new news out of it, I for one did. To the very closing Count added:
Anyway, I will never give up this fight for Nordic-freedom.
© 1996 "I came from darkness" magazine, Finland