

I just wait for the time I can charge into a storm of steel
Interview with Varg Vikernes
"I Return to Darkness" magazine (#6, 1998)

I Return to Darkness magazine cover (Finland)There is very little left to be said about this last guest here. Varg Vikernes, or alternatively Count Grishnackh, was a name that terrorized whole Scandinavia some years back and anyone following the media in recent years knows the story of this modern heathen.

But the past is nothing compared to the future. Varg Vikernes is marching stronger than ever before with his Allgermanische Heidnische Front to wipe out the Christian plague for once and for all. This time even more organized. This time even more serious. This time till the very end.


My first touch to Varg Vikernes and Burzum dates back to 1992, as was the case with many others, I reckon. Never had I heard music carried out with such extremity as Burzum. Never had I been intrigued by a person as much as was the case with the mysterious fantasy figure Count Grishnackh. The feeling was just there. The feeling of something undescribingly powerful, something that was playing on the edge of dream and reality, literally. Years passed one after another and the cult status of Count Grishnackh just kept growing stronger, as a musician, yes, but all the way more as a person of the most extreme kind. Churches were burned, graves were desecrated, humans were killed and with international TV programs, newspapers as well as hundreds of underground publications making coverages, the legend of the infamous Count was immortalized. The first time I personally interviewed Varg Vikernes was in late 1994, and the second conversation followed in late 1995. Trying to track him down from all the different slammers of Norway was not always that easy as he was and still is being frequently transferred from one prison to another. There were times it seemed almost impossible to have him interviewed as the prison authorities sent back one request for interview after another, and neither was desperate phone calls of any sincere value, really. But nothing lasts forever, and finally I was able to debate with the bloodthirsty wolf again who seems to be getting more and more violent with every passing year inside, to put it mildly. Feel the mighty jaws sucking your throat, now!


What are your values of life and would you rather die than break them?

I would rather die than give up fighting for what I believe in. However, I think it is okay to break some principles when opposed to "the enemy". When opposed to an enemy who only fights with dishonorable means, it is ok to fight back with the same means. Unfortunately, that is the only way to fight them. I treat others like they treat me. Do they fight me with honourable means, I fight back with the same honourable means. If they do not, I won't either.

You have been in prison over half a decade now. Do you think all this has strengthened and developed you as an individual?

It has been a test to my self-discipline, and it has forced me to develop. Nobody is made to sit alone in a cell year out and year in. Either You develop in such situations or You perish. Also, prison is a very primitive environment with a lot of primitive individuals who respect nothing but physical strength. When forced to live in an environment where the survival of the fittest is the only law, it is natural to grow physically stronger as well. For people with an attitude – like me – this is especially important, and true. Briefly said, I am stronger, both physically and mentally, more self-disciplined and of course more experienced. I have had time to read some books as well, leaving me more educated.

What would you say are the biggest advantages and disadvantages of being imprisoned?

Advantages? Well, there are none. If You are some broke looser it can be an advantage to get free food, lodging and of course the "forced education", but in general I would say there are no advantages from being in prison to being "free". The biggest disadvantage must be the isolation-effect. It is impossible to communicate with the world outside other than by letter, and even all such contact is controlled by authorities.

You have been once again transferred. How come?

This time because they thought I had plans to break out. Some Pakistanis who felt threatened spread some rumors to get me sent to another prison. It is all nonsense, really.

Are you in isolation now?

I was in isolation for a month, but then I was sent to yet another prison and now I can socialize with the other inmates for about an hour a day in the yard.

In spite of your imprisonment, you have had a very eventful life. You have enjoyed great success with Burzum, written a book and been an international "celebrity" to some extent. How do you personally look upon your past today?

It is nothing compared to the future.

Burzum, like yourself, has withdrawn completely from the boundaries of Black Metal ideology. Still, it is obvious there are some people following you from the gloriful days of Count Grishnackh to this day. What is your message to them?

What is "Black Metal ideology"? There is no such a thing, unless You call cowardism and passivity an ideology, which seems to be the ideology of most "Black Metallers". Anyway, I have nothing to say to the early listeners. The days of Count Grishnackh were not gloriful, by the way. They were days of poverty, hunger, despair and a lot of hard work. Everything was wasted because of clowns like Tomas Haugen [from Emperor] and Euronymous. Everything good has been done after the latter one was killed. His death made room for constructive work in the milieus!

How do you relate to the topic of churchburning today? The aforementioned Tomas Haugen and the others who went down for it earlier on have criticized the whole phenomenon with rather strong arguments.

Tomas Haugen of Emperor is a wimp, a police informer and a nobody. Like some others, he joined a company who set fire to a church. He did not take the initiative to do it, he just followed the "crowd". He has probably never believed in fighting Judeo-Christianity in the first place. Like all weaklings, he talks against acting, and even reacting, because he is afraid it might force himself to act or react. I say SMASH the wimps, OBLITIRATE Judeo-Christianity in all forms and manifestations! And I say that because I know I have the guts to both act and react against everything put up against me by "the enemy".

The essence of Burzum was in the beginning the total destruction of Christianity in Scandinavia. Is it still the same?

Yes, and Burzum is still not Black Metal!

You have said no longer to listen to any metal music at all including Immortal and Darkthrone, the bands whose members you once referred to as brothers. Are you in touch with them anymore or have your paths separated for good?

I correspond with Fenriz, but not much. They have other interests than I have, so I see no point in staying in touch with them.

The latest Burzum album "Dauði Baldrs" is based upon the story of Balder's life and death in Norse mythology. Can you identify yourself with the story to any extent?

Well, this story has nothing to do with me personally. It is all about what happened to our race when Balder (the meaning of life) was killed as Judeo-Christianity was forced upon us. When Balder was buried, his wife Nanna (nearness – between people) died from a grief and was buried, or better yet – burned, with him. Also, an unfortunate dwarf got in the way of Thor as he was about to hail the dead, so – in anger – Thor kicked the dwarf onto the fire as well, killing him. The dwarf's name was Lit (trust)…

Today we have lost our meaning of life, which rests in our subconsciousness, and nearness and trust between us are gone. Not until after Ragnarok, when Balder returns, will we get any of these things back!

As much as you have done to promote the thought patterns of the pagan past, it might be reality the modern people of today will never open their eyes to the truth. Does this frustrate you?

We must make sure that their eyes are opened in some way then. If they won't open their eyes, we will do it for them! "Odin is to fight and to NEVER give up" as P.A. Munch said it. It is pointless to be frustrated. It is waste of energy and time.

Are you misanthropic due to the superficiality of the common man?

Yes. I hate lazy people, stupid people, inactive people and so on. In a way I hate everybody alive. If they are alive, they cannot possibly be willing to die for what they believe in, right? I just wait for the time when I can charge into a storm of steel! Right now that is not possible! So – patience!

You seem to be interested in the history of war and especially the World War II. Are there any particular glorious events or armies that have stuck in your mind?

If we concentrate on our century, I will point at three impressive armies. First of all, the German army during the Second World War was incredible. The Japanese fought very bravely in the pacific and the Finns fought very well in the Winter War as well as later during the attack on Russia. However, we can hardly call any of these three nations as victorious. Finland capitulated and even declared a war on Germany. Germany was utterly destroyed, and Japan as well. Still, the Second World War was a very good demonstration of the Aryan man's abilities in war, and the Shinto-Japanese's as well. Victory is not that important I think, as long as the fight is good.

What about the best leaders?

The best leader must be Adolf Hitler. The worst one must be Franco.

The Third Reich probably could have been established worldwidely if Hitler had not been so anxious with his thirst for world domination. The attack to Russia was put to reality at too early point and thus it was more or less doomed to fail.

It was pretty suicidal to attack Russia alright, but it would have been even more suicidal not to do so. Russia had 3 000 000 men along the Russo-German border. They had over 30 000 tanks and also 4 500 tanks to guard against Japan. The entire Russian air force was placed along the border as well, which in itself is a proof that Stalin intended to attack Germany. Anybody familiar with military strategy knows that it is not very "defensive" to line up all the aircrafts along the border. Such placement of force is aggressive strategy and nothing else. Stalin was building up his forces because he intended to attack Germany. Hitler understood this and attacked Russia before Stalin could build up too much. The attack was not doomed to fail, as you put it, but it became pretty risky when Mussolini suddenly attacked Greece without consultation with Hitler first. "Barbarossa" was then delayed some weeks because Hitler had to save Mussolini from DEFEAT when Greece drove the Italians back into Albania and when the Great Britain planned a "coup d'état" in Yugoslavia. Germany smashed both Yugoslavia and Greece in a couple of weeks, but unfortunately these weeks proved to be fatal for the German army in Russia when the winter came. They were only days away from Moscow when the winter came and halted the assault. If Mussolini had not attacked Greece the Germans would have reached Moscow in good time before winter. Had Moscow fallen, it is most likely that the rest of Russia would have fallen as well. If You want to criticize anybody for the defeat of Germany, criticize Franco for not taking Gibraltar. Criticize Mussolini for attacking Greece. Criticize Italy, Vichy-France, Rumania and Bulgaria for producing poor solders. Criticize the Norwegian government for their failure to stay neutral in the conflict as they did nothing when the British raided a German ship in the neutral Norwegian waters. Criticize Japan for not attacking Russia when Germany did. Criticize Sweden for not joining the Germans. You can also criticize the Finns, as the Finnish soldiers lost quality the moment they treaded on Russian soil. As You might now, You Finns saw the war as a war to liberate Your own territories, not to conquer Russia, right?

Yes, that's right.

The only part You cannot criticize is Hitler and the German people who produced the best soldiers ever to walk on this earth up to date. People who kept the moral all the way in spite of suffering from everything. From starvation and terror-bombing to You-name-it. I say Heil Deutschland and Heil H*tler! I am proud to be Germanic when I read the history of Germany!

What do you think of Hitler as a person?

Hitler never really got the chance to fulfill his dreams with the Third Reich as aggressive neighbors were on all sides. However, considering the time he ruled, he did a great job for Germany. I don't think of Hitler as a person, really. What he did is what matters.

Hitler used the name "Wolf" of himself and so do you. Is this a sole coincidence?

There is no connection between Hitler's Wolf and my name in this context.

Many people have misunderstood Nietzsche, including Hitler who comprehended the spiritual Übermensch as purely racial. Have you personally read any of Nietzsche and how fully do you share his viewpoints?

Who told You that Hitler interpreted Nietzsche's Übermensch as "purely racial"? This is not right! I have read some of Nietzsche's books, yes, and I agree with most of what he says. I share his views on women as well as his views on Judeo-Christianity. His description of the blond and blue-eyed Aryans as slaves in a cage made by Jewish "virtues" is very good. Also, when he says that the Übermensch has no need for revenge, I agree. That does not mean that one shall not "punish" wrongdoers, but it means You shall not do it to revenge something, rather for practical reasons. Like as if someone rapes a child, do not kill him to revenge the act but kill him to remove the unhealthy element in our people! Same result, different motive! Anyway, I have read only "Antichrist", "Also sprach Zarathustra" and "Jenseits von Gut und Böse", so I cannot claim to know his theories and views fully. That is at least not all of them.

How is your own warcompany Allgermanische Heidnische Front doing? Still expanding?

The A.H.F. is still expanding. Besides the Norsk Hedensk Front we have a Front in Sweden (Svensk Hednisk Front), in Germany (D.T.B.), in Flandern/Belgium (Vlaams Heidens Front) and soon on Iceland (Islenska Heidni Fylkingin). We have some websites, and everything is going fine at the time being.

We seek to enlight the masses, to open their eyes for the truth, and make them be something else than what they are today! To achieve this goal, we have to appeal to the archetypes of our blood, and those archetypes are our Pagan Gods and Goddesses!

What do you expect from those recruited to A.H.F.?

The will to fight for Wotan and our race. Loyalty to our Germanic nature.

It is often envisioned of which elements and aspects of society we must destroy, yet, hardly ever it is envisioned what would we create if the chance was granted upon us. So, what kind of world order would you and A.H.F. offer to replace the now prevailing system?

One that is in harmony with nature. As simple as that.

What does this nature actually mean to you?

Nature is the body of Mother Earth, a wife of Wotan. She is holy to us, and shall be treated with respect and care for as long as she lives!

Do you respect and value an animal, which is after all just fulfilling its natural needs, higher than the man of today – this modern, unnatural, Christianized, overbreeding, degenerated, morally raped person?

The Aryan man is on top of hierarchy. The racially Aryan man with a Jewish soul and spirit, like Christians, are Anti-Humans who deserve nothing but a bullet in the back of the head. However, they can be saved, so they are "potentially worthy humans"…

You have said to support technologically advanced society. Why? Isn't technology in itself unnatural?

There is no need to destroy fruits of time just because people misuse this fruit today. Technology is no problem, but too many people misusing technology is a problem. Our National socialist order is built on a total understanding of nature, both of our human nature as well as of Mother Earth herself. We fight for a "Green Europe, for White People", to put it that way. The rotten, Judeo-Christian, capitalist pig-system of today rapes our Mother Earth, and does its best to profit from her, without any thought for her wellbeing, or for the wellbeing of the people to come. However, that has nothing to do with technology, it is rather the modern mentality that need to be exterminated. This Archjewish quest for gold in our "modern" society is the real problem, not technology.

Will we ever be able to glance at the Northern night sky as free individuals? Free of Christian laws, morals, values, restrictions and symbols. Free of this enslaving society these same Christians desecratingly built upon our very soil.

Yes, but only if more people join us in our fight for the TRUE light! The Light of Wotan!

Okay, to wrap things up, if you had to put the whole life and existence of Varg Vikernes into a one single sentence, what would it be?

Gelobt sei, was hart macht! (Praise what makes hard!)

There you have it. Much have been written about this individual and, without even slightest shadows of doubt, much more will be written in the future. The saga of Varg Vikernes and Allgermanische Heidnische Front continues right down to the history books – mark my word. Just draw your weapons and choose your sides. Take it or leave it. WAR!

© 1998 "I Return to Darkness" magazine, Finland)

Reality time

There are a lot of theories about the origin of our race. Some are just wrong, but there is one that is not only wrong; the British-Israel theory. This theory claims that we – the European peoples – are the "true" tribes of Israel, and that we therefore are the "true God's chosen people".

This theory is propagated by the Aryan Nations, the KKK, and by other organizations. For any person with the slightest knowledge in history this theory is nothing but a bad joke, and it will make any sensible person feel disgust. They claim WE – the proud European peoples – are "the true Israelites". What is their problem?

Let's first look for the origin of this theory. The first well-known person to believe in this was Richard Wagner, and the fact that he believed in it was the reason for his quarrels with the famous philosopher F.W. Nietzsche, which terminated their friendship. Wagner claimed Jesus was an Aryan, and used that as an excuse to believe in "God" and to be Christian. Both, Wagner and Nietzsche, were Anti-Semites, but while Nietzsche took the consequence of his Anti-Semitism and thus spurned everything Christian, Wagner twisted the truth by claiming Jesus was an Aryan, and not a Jew, and in that way he could stay Christian without being too Jewish – so to speak.

As You might know Christianity is a Jewish faith, with its roots in the Jewish mythology, presented to us through the bible. This is an indisputable fact. The origin, the vast majority of the writers, the characters, everything in the bible is Jewish – and/or fictional (like Moses and Abraham). The biggest victory the Jews have ever achieved was making our European peoples Christian. Like a Rabbi said it in Century Magazine in the twenties; "We have thrown Your culture of the road, and replaced it with our culture. Our God. Our faith. Our laws. We have made You agents of our people". This was in an article titled "A real case against the Jews". I haven't read the Century Magazine, but I saw this quote from the Century Magazine in an SS-schoolbook.

Nietzsche wrote in his book titled "Anti-Christ" that; "The Jews have through their work made humanity so thoroughly false that even a Christian can feel Anti-Jewish today, without being aware of the fact that he himself is THE MOST EXTREME JEWISH CONSEQUENCE!" Instead of dissociating themselves from this Jewish fable, they cling to it with an extreme fanaticism. Instead of taking the consequence of the fact that their faith is Jewish from the core and all the way out, they do everything they can to convince themselves that it is "really" Aryan, and that THEY are the "true God's chosen people", that the Jews have "stolen" THEIR faith and THEIR heritage.

Their "proof" that WE are the "true Israelites", and not the Jews, are many. I will present one of these "proofs" to You here, to make You understand how ignorant this theory is.

They claim the European peoples are the twelve lost tribes of Israel. Since one of these tribes are called Dan, they concluded that Denmark (Danmark in most Germanic languages) got its name after that tribe. Okay, that sounds reasonable – if You lack any knowledge about history whatsoever. Well, like most Europeans I do not, so I will tell You the truth about the name of Denmark. Before Denmark became Denmark, it was called Fyn, Jylland and Sjaelland – being the names of the different landmasses we now called Denmark.

In the Viking Age the Norse tribes fought against the Christians. The first to fall was Denmark. When Denmark then became Christianized, they started to send missionaries and priests to Pagan Norway and Sweden. The Danes were known to us as Skjoldungar (Children of Skjold, a son of Wotan), but we then started to call them Danes – as that was what they were. For anybody who happen to know Norse, or happen to have a Norse dictionary, like myself, it is not difficult to find out that Dan means "churchlord". In other words, we – the Swedes and the Norwegians – called them Churchlords as they tried to bring their Church to our lands! That is how the Skjoldungar became the "Churchlord-fields" (Danmark). This was in the late Viking Age.

In other words Denmark does not have ANYTHING to do with this Israelite tribe called Dan, it has a very obvious, and for educated Europeans, well-known origin.

This leads is to our next question; who are they who spread the British-Israel theory? I have mentioned Wagner, a great German composer! Also there have been some British or Scottish nobles who have claimed THEY were "true God's chosen people", but today there are no nobles or Aryan composers who claim to be of "God's chosen people". Today they are only Americans and a handful of "not-very-educated" Europeans who claim this.

Let's then ask; who are the Americans? What is their origin? Okay, they come from Europe, from all of Europe actually (I am talking about the white Americans here). That is common knowledge, but what is not that known is that those who emigrated to America were:
  1. Extreme, brainwashed, Judeo-Christian sects who were persecuted in Europe,
  2. The poorest and least resourceful of the lower classes,
  3. Outcast, and of course
  4. Adventurers
  5. Second-born Young men (who would not inherit the farms or businesses from their parents when they die because they had a big brother) and
  6. "others".

In Norway some towns and villages collected money, so that they could afford a ticket for the scum in the town to America, and so that they got rid of them.

So to my point; are we going to listen to these people or are we going to listen to what Adolf Hitler, Nietzsche, Himmler, Bormann, Goebbels, and not least OUR PAGAN FOREFATHERS said?

Adolf Hitler stated, in 1940, that he would; "Exterminate Christianity in Germany, lock, stock, and barrel, with all its roots and branches". Heinrich Himmler stated under a speech in Zagreb the 3rd of August 1941 that; "Those who swear (loyalty) to the Hakenkreuz (the Swastika) must hate all other crosses and fight them!" Martin Bormann stated in 1942 that; "National Socialist and Christian opinions are incompatible". Rudolf Hess stated that Germany intended to do away with Christianity as being only a Jewish fable (he said this on the 13th of July 1941), and so on. Adolf Hitler himself commented on the theory that Jesus was an Aryan and that the bible was "really" Aryan like this; "It does not matter if we talk about the new or the old testament, or about Jesus' words, it is all the same Jewish caboodle. It is madness to present Jesus as an Aryan".

So the obvious question will be; how dare You call me and my people "Israelites"? How dare You call Adolf Hitler an "Israelite"? How dare You spit on my culture, my people, my race, and everything else I live!? We are the people and the race of Wotan! Our culture is tens of thousands of years old, so how dare You – with Your degenerate, 300-years old, Judeo-Christian Capitalist Pig-"culture" – to even speak of "racial pride"? As long as You have Your Jewish faith You are Artificial Jews, and You shall be treated accordingly!

The British-Israel theory is thus not only wrong, but it is also contraeffective and extremely dangerous. It starts when they symbolically murder their children during baptizement. They symbolically drown the Pagan man, and bring him back to life by "shouting out" the name of the Jewish soul that shall replace the Pagan soul! Oh yeah; You didn't know that? That baptizement is all about murdering the Pagan man, resurrecting him as an Artificial Jew? Well, You know now! So You better wake up from Your Jewish sleep, and start to fight for the truth, like our forefathers did, like the Third Reich did! Like WE do! Heil Wotan!

The Swedes and the Norwegians in the area around Trondheim belong to Yngvi-Frey's tribe. The Norwegians and the Swedes in Baahuslän, as well as the Icelanders, belong to Sæming's tribe. The Danes and the Swedes in Skåne belong to Skjold's tribe. The Germans belong to Volung's tribe, and so on. That's REALITY! Yngvi-Freyr (known as Ing to some), Sæmingr, Skjold, Volung, and so on were all sons of Wotan! THAT is our origin! We are the Aryan tribes of Atlantis! Heil Wotan!

Fight the lies, and join us in the fight for the truth! Wake up brothers and sisters! Wake up and follow the call of Wotan; follow the voice of Your blood, of Your heart! It will not lie to You, like humans do. Heil, Heil, Heil Wotan!

This article was written by Varg Vikernes on behalf of Allgermanische Heidnische Front in 1998 A.Y.P.S Published herein under the permission of the writer.

I Return to Darkness magazine (Finland)

I Return to Darkness magazine (Finland)

I Return to Darkness magazine (Finland)

I Return to Darkness magazine (Finland)

Varg Vikernes - Reality Time

Varg Vikernes - Reality Time

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