

Varg Vikernes
Thulean Perspective
Ettins & Trolls

Some claim that what I say is in direct conflict with what we know about our heritage. I can assume that they can even produce evidence proving me wrong some times.

Yet I am not wrong...

How can that be?

Let me give you an example.

We all know what a troll is. Right? A big, stupid, ugly, and malevolent giant, or if you like a little goblin-like creature with long nose and messy hair, living in the forest. This is an established fact, you could argue.

But it is not a fact. It is a lie that has been parroted for a long time. You could argue that because it has been parroted for such a long time, it has become true now, and in a sense you are right to do so, but...


A troll is the name for a malevolent spirit, a wraith, a ghost, or a dead man rising from the grave to haunt the living. The name "troll" derives from the verb "å tralle", meaning "to chant" or more correctly: "to cast a spell (by chanting"). This name was used on such creatures because they believed that they had been brought forth by malevolent sorcerers casting spells on the dead.

Ettins are today often wrongly called trolls, because they are large, ugly, and stupid, and wander around in our dark forests and caves. The name "Ettin" derives from proto-Germanic *etunaz, meaning "big eater" or "hunger", and they were named as such because they are not really alive, they have no "mind", and they think that by eating something or someone with a "mind", they will get a mind of their own.

So when I claim that ettins are not trolls, that trolls are not ettins or indeed "giants", and that trolls are actually what we today call "undead creatures", then I am perfectly correct. Yet you can "prove me wrong", by referring to the lies that has been parroted about these creatures for a long time already.

And that is my point: when you see my claims, and you think I am wrong and that you know better than me, because we have plenty of recorded evidence saying something else, then you should re-consider.

You see, I am not wrong. When in conflict with what I say, your sources are wrong. The established "truths" are in fact lies. The scholars have been ignorant for hundreds of years already. They have parroted lies and even slander against our forebears, for ages. Often they did not know any better, but sometimes they did, and intentionally subverted our heritage because they were Christians or "something like that."

We need to actually return to our roots, instead of looking at what "they" say about our roots.

Whether we talk about reincarnation, spirituality, praying, sacrifices, trolls, ettins, gods, or whatever, understand that the established "truths" about our heritage is nothing but old lie-propaganda, slander, and part of an effort to destroy us and our heritage.

Varg Vikernes

How a TROLL looks like
(image from "The Creatures of Thulê Deluxe: for MYFAROG"):


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