

Varg Vikernes
Thulean Perspective
Whence do we come?

Modern "Western" science has as you know been seriously compromised, not just lately, with C19, Pfizer and "scientific" papers claiming the increase in heart disease are from people tying their shoe laces or watching TV two or more hours a day, or the like. "Western" science has always in the context of our origins been compromised. The original "scientists" delving into the mystery regarding our origins were Christian priests, whose sole purpose was to cover up any greatness in Europe, that could possibly overshadow their own gospel and the greatness of their chosen people and their imported desert cult.

When they found the first Neanderthals, they painted them not only are primitive brutes, but barely as human beings at all. They were monsters, incapable of speech, with no skills and no tools or anything.

So effective was their lie-propaganda, veiled as "science", that the entire subject was basically left dead for more than 150 years, and was not brought back to life until geneticists discovered that modern humans, except Sub-Saharan Africans that is, have at least 4% of our DNA that is exclusively Neanderthal. No, not 4% Neanderthal DNA, but 4% that was exclusive to the Neanderthals. Considering that we have 95% or so of our DNA in common with chimps, that meant that we have at least 99% in common with Neanderthals. 99.7% in fact. Only 0.3% of our DNA is, on average, exclusively homo sapiens (African). Not only this, they told us that the Neanderthals were fair-skinned, blue-eyed and had blonde hair. That is what they had found out, by genetic research!

After telling us about this, they quickly realized that they had made a mistake. They had in effect told us that we, and especially Europeans, are not even of the same species as Africans. We are Neanderthals! We are of another species! This was in total conflict with their "anti-racist" agenda, and a potential massive problem for further mass-immigration to Europe. So they changed the narrative, and instead started to explain how all the problems and defects of modern man came from the Neanderthals (which of course is nonsense). We were supposed to detest this origin, at any cost! We were supposed to not want anything to do with this, and not least; we were supposed to think that we only had 4% in common with Neanderthals.

Now, we have some 40% of our DNA in common with water melons and 70% or so with pigs, and like I already said, 95% or so with chimps, so of course we cannot, even with the wildest mental gymnastics, only have 4% in common with the Neanderthals! This is ludicrous! But political agenda is political agenda after all, and most people are rather dimwitted...

Further, they started to explain how the we did not have our fair skin or blue eyes or indeed blonde hair from the Neanderthals. These were different genes, they claimed, and "by chance" we just happened to look just like the Neanderthals today, because... "reasons".

Finally, they had taken samples mainly from Neanderthals that had been mixed with proto-Asians (Denisovans), so "thankfully", they could also make it clear that Asians had more (half-) Neanderthal DNA than we Europeans did. Well, yes, Asians had more in common with the half-Neanderthal/half-proto-Asian than we did, but only because at least 50% of that DNA was from proto-Asians to begin with. We though, naturally, have more in common with an unmixed Neanderthal than anybody else. Yet again, they managed to keep our origins in shadow, to the vast majority anyhow.

To keep us all in shadow though, they had to produce more misinformation, and they started to produce "scientific" reports claiming e. g. that everyone today with blue eyes have a common (dark-skinned) ancestor from Spain. Ah, yes, blue eyes were just a mutation that occurred 8000 years ago. So... "do not believe that we have our blue eyes from the Neanderthals!" Most people believed in this, for some strange reason, I guess thanks to the educational system´s total inability to educate people about even the basics of biology. You see, if one single person had blue eyes back then, in a population of only brown eyed people, then of course that mutation would have disappeared after only one generation. Genes for blue eyes are recessive. And if that one person had many children, and they in turn had children with others who only had genes for brown eyes, then... not one single of them would have had children with blue eyes. And after some generations those genes would have been washed away into nothingness.

After this, one dark-skinned "ancient European" showed up after the other, and were presented as such to the public by these "scientists". By no means should we believe that our forebears were fair-skinned! If scrutinized though, none of their reconstructions held any water: they had always taken great liberties and it turned out they were not at all based on the actual results of the genetic research performed on the individual in question. They just decided to make them dark-skinned, and of course often also dark-eyed and dark-haired, for political reasons. Also, "by chance" all these peoples immigrated to Europe, from the outside. And then mixed there, of course.

Their agenda became clear: Europeans shall not be allowed to have any homeland, to have any roots, to have any special rights for a single piece of land on this planet.

And note that the Neanderthals lived all over Europe, but also in Northern Asia. Why would they admit us all this homeland!?

Nor shall we be allowed to have our own identity. Or any identity at all. We shall think of ourselves as immigrated mongrels.

In reality, Nordic-looking Europeans are pure Neanderthals, or as close to pure as possible, changed by time of course, so not the exact same, but still. Genetically, they descend from Neanderthals. Not Africans. Not Asians. Not Homo Sapiens, but Neanderthals. Other Europeans too are overwhelmingly Neanderthal, on average 99.7%. And not just 4%, but up to 7% of the European DNA is exclusively Neanderthal DNA. Not shared with any other creature on this planet. Further, we have lived here in Europe for at least 500.000 years. Continuously. With the same traditions, religious views and customs. From the most distant Stone Age until even today. Unchanged. Even Christianity failed to eradicate our heritage. Yet, anyhow.

To popularize the idea that we are immigrated mongrels, the "scientists" slandered our native heritage even more, by claiming it was (weak and) "matriarchal", and that these (worthless) tribes living here were conquered by these heroic immigrants. Sorry: invaders. Ah, yes, heroic patriarchal chads from the outside of Europe came here and conquered those effeminate woman-worshipping natives. Quite an attractive idea, for modern woman-hating men with no roots and no sense of belonging! Now they can proudly beat their chests like gorillas and identify as conquerors!

So of course a horde Europeans embrace their lies. Broken by anti-European propaganda from birth, with low self-esteem and no sense of belonging, now they can be descendants of heroic conquerors just like that! Not immigrants, of course, but conquerors! "Yeah! Cool!"

But no. All this does is to justify more mass-immigration ("we are all just immigrants") to Europe, to justify race-mixing ("we are all mixed already anyhow"), to undermine our own heritage as an ("Indo-European") immigrant heritage, to decide that we do not belong here really, and to present our deities as immigrant gods.

They have noticed how people like me use the fact that Christianity is an immigrant religion as an argument against it, so they try to turn the table, and present our religion as an immigrant religion too. This nullifies my argument. But it is a lie. Like everything else they say is.

The truth is that our heritage is Neanderthal, as proven by my wife, Marie Cachet, in her book "The Secret of the She-Bear". We are their descendants. Our gods are our own, and have always been. Our roots go at least 500.000 years back in time, here in Europe. Europe is our native homeland, and actually most of the Northern Hemisphere is. We are largely unmixed. In fact, we are a different species altogether.

Please help me spread this counter argument against their attempt to genocide us. You can help me by sharing this blog post and by linking to it whenever you see their lie-propaganda being spread.

We and our heritage matters!

Best wishes,
Varg Vikernes

A typical Neanderthal child:

A typical Neanderthal child

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